  • TTR500矢量网络分析仪.png
矢量网络分析仪 (VNA) 是一种电气测试仪器,它使用已知的连续波 (CW) 信号来测量射频 (RF) 和微波器件、系统和子系统在设计和制造应用中的幅度和相位响应。它是帮助制造无线设备的重要测试工具。 泰克 TTR500 系列双端口双路径矢量网络分析仪让射频设计和验证工程师、教育专业人员和制造组织能够通过减少原型迭代和准确可靠地进行日常测量来缩短产品上市时间。





Legendary support and quality meets ease-of-use and affordability. The Tektronix TTR500 series 2-port, 2-path VNA is our latest breakthrough - an unmatched combination of measurement performance and convenience. Get the power to make everyday measurements with the accuracy and confidence you expect from Tektronix, all without breaking your budget.

Key performance specifications
  • 100 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range
  • > 122 dB dynamic range
  • -50 to +7 dBm output power
  • < 0.008 dB RMS trace noise
Key features
  • Full 2-port 2-path S-parameter measurement (S11, S21, S12, S22) in a variety of formats.
  • Complete vector network analysis capability with Tektronix VectorVu-PC™ software.
  • Built-in bias tee accessible on both ports to bias active devices.
  • Application programming interface (API) for Microsoft Windows environment and LabView driver.
  • Robust SCPI command interface (compatible with current VNA models) to optimize code migration.
  • Touchstone file support (import/export) for use with Electronic Design Automation (EDA) simulation tools.
  • Offline simulation mode for analysis of S-parameter files when disconnected from the instrument.
  • Industry-leading three year warranty.
  • Antenna matching and tuning
  • RF component design and validation
  • Education


All specifications are warranted performance characteristics with guaranteed tolerance limits, unless noted otherwise. All specifications are valid between 18 °C and 28 °C ambient temperature and apply to all models unless noted otherwise.

Nominal refers to the features or characteristics of the design.

Typical indicates that 80% of units will meet the published typical performance with 80% confidence, unless otherwise noted. Typical performance is not warranted.

Typical-Mean indicates the mean performance measured on a sample of units immediately after performing an alignment. Typical-Mean performance is not warranted.

USB 2.0 
VectorVu-PC™ (requires Windows® 7/8/10, 64-bit)
Corrected system performance with calibration kit
Spinner Type-N mechanical calibration kit BN533861

User Correction ON.

Two 60 cm Tektronix cables 012-1765-00 or 012-1768-00 




Source match


Load match:

Insertable devices (dB)

Load match with M-M or F-F thru


Reflection tracking


Transmission tracking:

Insertable devices (dB)

300 kHz to < 1 MHz -38  -34  -37  -35  0.08  0.05 
1 MHz to < 10 MHz -37  -34  -37  -35  0.08  0.02 
10 MHz to < 100 MHz -37  -34  -37  -35  0.08  0.01 
100 MHz to < 1 GHz -36  -34  -37  -35  0.08  0.01 
1 GHz to < 3 GHz -36  -34  -37  -35  0.08  0.02 
3 GHz to 6 GHz -36  -34  -36  -35  0.09  0.02 
18 °C to 28 °C, within 1 °C of calibration temperature and at the same ambient humidity conditions in which calibration was performed.
Spinner 3.5 mm mechanical calibration kit BN533854

User Correction ON.

Two 60 cm Tektronix cables 012-1769-00 or 012-1772-00 




Source match


Load match:

Insertable devices (dB)

Load match with M-M or F-F thru


Reflection tracking


Transmission tracking:

Insertable devices (dB)

300 kHz to < 1 MHz -36  -33  -37  -35.5  0.1  0.06 
1 MHz to < 10 MHz -35  -33  -37  -35.5  0.1  0.02 
10 MHz to < 100 MHz -35  -33  -37  -35.5  0.1  0.01 
100 MHz to < 1 GHz -35  -33  -35  -35.5  0.1  0.01 
1 GHz to < 4 GHz -35  -33  -35  -35.5  0.1  0.02 
4 GHz to 6 GHz -28  -28  -29  -29  0.22  0.03 
18 °C to 28 °C, within 1 °C of calibration temperature and at the same ambient humidity conditions in which calibration was performed.
Spinner Type-N calibration kit BN533844

User Correction ON.

Two 60 cm Tektronix cables 012-1765-00 




Source match


Load match:

Insertable devices (dB)

Load match with M-M or F-F thru


Reflection tracking


Transmission tracking:


300 kHz to < 1 MHz -32  -31  -32  -31  0.15  0.07 
1 MHz to < 10 MHz -32  -31  -32  -31  0.15  0.03 
10 MHz to < 100 MHz -31  -31  -32  -31  0.15  0.01 
100 MHz to < 1 GHz -31  -31  -32  -31  0.15  0.01 
1 GHz to < 4 GHz -31  -31  -32  -31  0.15  0.02 
4 GHz to 6 GHz -25  -25  -26  -26  0.3  0.04 
18 °C to 28 °C, within 1 °C of calibration temperature and at the same ambient humidity conditions in which calibration was performed.
Uncorrected system performance
User correction OFF. Factory correction ON.



Source match


Load match


Reflection tracking


Transmission tracking


300 kHz to < 500 kHz -25  -25  -4.5  ±1  ±1 
500 kHz to < 2 MHz -25  -25  -4.5  ±1  ±1 
2 MHz to < 10 MHz -25  -25  -11  ±1  ±1 
10 MHz to < 200 MHz -25  -25  -11  ±1  ±1 
200 MHz to <1.5 GHz -25  -25  -10  ±1  ±1 
1.5 GHz to < 4.5 GHz -25  -25  -8  ±1  ±1 
4.5 GHz to < 5 GHz -25  -25  -7  ±1  ±1 
5 GHz to 6 GHz -25  -25  -7  ±1  ±1 
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
100 kHz to 6.0 GHz
1 Hz
± 7.0 ppm over 1 year calibration interval, 18 °C to 28 °C
10 MHz
Initial accuracy
±10 Hz


Internal reference
± 0.9 ppm/year
External reference input
10 MHz ± 50 Hz
Test port output
Dynamic range
Description 300 kHz to

< 1 MHz

1 MHz to

< 2 MHz

2 MHz to

< 200 MHz

200 MHz to

< 3 GHz

3 GHz to

< 4.5 GHz

(TTR506A only)

4.5 GHz to 6 GHz

(TTR506A only)

Dynamic range Typical 112 dB 117 dB 124 dB 125 dB 123 dB 122 dB
Specification - - - 124 dB 123 dB 122 dB
Noise floor -110 dBm/Hz
(< -115 dBm/Hz typical)
< -120 dBm/Hz
(< -125 dBm/Hz typical)
< -120 dBm/Hz
(< -125 dBm/Hz typical)
< -125 dBm/Hz
(< -130 dBm/Hz typical)
< -125 dBm/Hz
(< -130 dBm/Hz typical)
< -125 dBm/Hz
(< -130 dBm/Hz typical)
Crosstalk with load

300 kHz to

< 1 MHz

1 MHz to

< 10 MHz

10 MHz to

< 200 MHz

200 MHz to

< 1 GHz

1 GHz to

< 2 GHz

2 GHz to 6 GHz

(TTR506A only above 3 GHz)

Uncorrected crosstalk with load -85 dB -110 dB -105 dB -120 dB -115 dB -120 dB
Corrected crosstalk with load 1 - 90 dB -118 dB -115 dB -125 dB -125 dB -120 dB

1After full 2-port SOLT calibration with isolation using a Spinner BN533861 Type-N 50 Ω load.

Dynamic accuracy and compression
Dynamic accuracy
Received level range 105 MHz 2 GHz
> +5 to +10 dBm 0.65 dB 0.4 dB
> 0 to +5 dBm 0.35 dB 0.2 dB
> -20 to 0 dBm 0.2 dB 0.15 dB
> -34 to -20 dBm 0.25 dB 0.2 dB
> -50 to -34 dBm 0.35 dB 0.3 dB
> -60 to -50 dBm 0.55 dB 0.45 dB
Dynamic accuracy, typical-mean
Received level range 10 MHz 105 MHz 350 MHz





2 GHz 3 GHz 4 GHz 5.25 GHz 6 GHz
> +5 to +10 dBm 0.4 dB 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.25 dB 0.2 dB 0.2 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB
> 0 to +5 dBm 0.25 dB 0.25 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.05 dB 0.05 dB 0.05 dB 0.05 dB 0.05 dB
> -30 to 0 dBm 0.15 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB
-50 to -30 dBm 0.2 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 dB







Test port compression at maximum input level
Compression at +10 dBm input level (typical-mean) is > +5 to +10 dBm
Frequency 10 MHz 105 MHz 350 MHz





2 GHz 3 GHz 4 GHz 5.25 GHz 6 GHz
Compression 0.4 dB 0.4 dB 0.3 dB 0.25 dB 0.25 dB 0.2 dB 0.2 dB 0.2 dB 0.2 dB 0.2 dB
Trace noise 1, typical
  300 KHz to < 200 MHz 200 MHz to 6 GHz
Magnitude 0.008 dB RMS 0.006 dB RMS
Phase 0.05 degrees RMS 0.04 degrees RMS

1Measured in a 1 KHz IF BW, 10 dBm output power, thru connection

Temperature stability 1, typical
  300 KHz to 3 GHz > 3 GHz to 6 GHz
Magnitude 0.008 dB/°C 0.015 dB/°C
Phase 0.1 degrees/°C 0.2 degrees/°C

1Measured in a 10 Hz IF BW, 0 dBm output power, thru connection

  DC < 10 MHz ≥ 10 MHz to 6 GHz
Operational ± 24 V 10 dBm 10 dBm
Without damage ± 30 V 15 dBm 20 dBm
Maximum receiver input level
Output level calibration
Manufacturer Supported power sensors
Tektronix USB power sensors PSM3000 series
PSM4000 series
PSM5000 series
Keysight USB power sensors U848x series
U2020 series
U2000 series
Rohde and Schwarz USB power sensors NRP-Z power sensors
NRP-xxS/SN power sensors
Name Function Description
Port 1  VNA measurement port 1  Type N female conductor
Port 2  VNA measurement port 2  Type N female conductor
LO A LO A In/Out SMA female conductor
LO B LO B In/Out SMA female conductor
Power Power indicator Red/green LED
Front panel




Name Function Specifications Connector
Bias 1  Port 1 bias tee connection ± 24 VDC
± 200 mA maximum
BNC Female
Bias 2  Port 2 bias tee connection
Ref Out 10 MHz reference output 10 MHz ± 60 Hz
> 5 dBm
Ref In 10 MHz reference input 10 MHz ± 50 Hz
-5 dBm to + 10 dBm
Trigger Trigger input TTL
± Edge, ± Level
> 250 μS duration (10 mS max.)
Aux Sync Auxiliary trigger TTL
DC input Power supply 4.752 to 5.25 VDC 2.5 x 5.5 x 9.5 mm barrel connector
Center positive
USB 2.0  USB connector for computer connection USB 2.0  USB 2.0 B connector
Rear panel




Power supply
Tektronix part number Input Output
119-8763-01  100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
IEC60320 C14 receptacle
+ 5 V ±1%
4 A maximum
VectorVu-PC™ software
System requirements
  Processor Memory Drive
Best Intel® Core™ i7 8 GB SSD
Recommended Intel® Core™ i3 8 GB SSD
Minimum Intel® Core™ i3 8 GB HDD
Operating system: Windows® 7 or greater, 64-bit
Physical characteristics

Length: 11.25” (28.58 cm)

Width: 8.125” (20.64 cm)

Depth: 1.75” (4.45 cm)

Weight: 3.5 lbs. (1.59 kg)

Environmental and safety

Operating: +5 °C to +50 °C ( 41 °F to 122 °F)

Non-operating: -40 °C to 71 °C ( -40 °F to 159.8 °F)

Humidity (operating)

5% to 80% ±5%RH (relative humidity) in the temperature range of +10 °C to 30 °C (+50 °F to 86 °F)

5% to 75% ±5%RH above +30 °C to 40 °C (+86 °F to 104 °F)

5% to 45% ±5%RH above +40 °C up to 50 °C (+104 °F to +122 °F)



Operating: 5000 m (16,404 ft)

Non-operating: 15,240 m (50,000 ft)


Operating: 0.31 GRMS: 5-500 Hz, 3 Axes at 10 min/axis

Non-operating: 2.46 GRMS: 5-500 Hz, 3 Axes at 10 min/axis


Operating: Half-sine mechanical shocks, 30 g peak amplitude, 11 msec duration, 3 drops in each direction of each axis, 18 total

Non-operating: Half-sine mechanical shocks, 40 g peak amplitude, 11 msec duration, 3 drops in each direction of each axis, 18 total

Handling and transit

Bench handling, operating: MIL-PRF-28800F Class 3 

Transit drop, non-operating: MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2








刘小姐:13808050007 邮箱:bin.liu@cdjiaheng.com

苗先生:13551075811 邮箱:zhi.miao@cdjiaheng.com

王先生:18608015088 邮箱:chao.wang@cdjiaheng.com

地 址:成都市高新区天益街38号理想中心3栋-1102室

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